20-year- old Kiler Had a Setback in His stage 4 stomach cancer EVERYONE lift 20-year- old Kiler from Star City, Arkansas in your prayers
Back on January 18th I introduced you to Kiler from Star City, Arkansas. We learned then that Kiler had been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. I received the following update from Kilers mom today: “Ki has completed 10 rounds of Radiation and 5 rounds of Chemo cycles. He has 2 more left and he is supposed to get NEW SCANS to see if the treatment plan is working. Either way, we keep fighting!” Keep those prayers coming!
Sickness can affect anyone regardless your age. Stop thinking that certain things can’t happen to you. Be aware and take a different approach to life. Stop all the hating jealousy and envy show more love and appreciate life especially if you healthy and strong.
What started as acid reflux turned out to be stage 4 stomach cancer. Would everyone and I mean EVERYONE lift 20-year- old Kiler from Star City, Arkansas in your prayers!